
Dive into our curated collection of resources, from in-depth policy documentation and standards conformance to user-friendly FAQs and a step-by-step getting started guide. Everything you need to navigate and maximise your MyOpNotes experience is right here.


Dive into our curated collection of resources, from in-depth policy documentation and standards conformance to user-friendly FAQs and a step-by-step getting started guide. Everything you need to navigate and maximise your MyOpNotes experience is right here.

Standards and Policies

This section provides comprehensive documentation on MyOpNotes' user agreements, data handling practices, website policies, commitment to accessibility, and adherence to UK digital operation note standards.

Standards and Guidelines Conformance

This page outlines the standards and guidelines applicable to a digital operation note platform in the UK, and demonstrates how MyOpNotes adheres to these requirements.

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Accessibility Features Implemented

This accessibility statement outlines ‘our commitment to user-friendly features while actively encouraging feedback for ongoing enhancement.

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Social Value Policy

Our social value policy encompasses areas addressing economic inequality, sustainability and climate change, equal opportunity, and employee wellbeing.

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Cookie Policy

This cookie policy explains our use of cookies, their functions, and lets users manage preferences, balancing website optimisation with privacy.

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Data Protection Addendum

This Data Protection Addendum (DPA) utlines the obligations, responsibilities, and rights concerning the processing and protection of personal data.

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Terms of Service

This contract outlines the terms of service for users of MyOpNotes' Individual and Clinic membership levels, establishing the rights and responsibilities of both MyOpNotes and the customers.

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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy outlines how the company collects, uses, and protects user data on its website.

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Privacy notice

This privacy notice provides an explanation of why and how personal data is handled, who manages the data processing, and the rights of patients concerning this process.

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End User License Agreement (EULA)

This End User Licence Agreement (EULA) for MyOpNotes defines the user's rights and obligations when using the digital operation note software.

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Getting Started

This document is a comprehensive guide that provides instructions and important information for healthcare professionals on how to get started with MyOpNotes, a digital operation notes software, to improve the note-taking process and enhance patient care.

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Getting started

This document is a comprehensive guide that provides instructions and important information for healthcare professionals on how to get started with MyOpNotes, a digital operation notes software, to improve the note-taking process and enhance patient care.

How much does it cost?

We offer MyOpNotes to NHS & private hospitals on an initial short-term pilot basis. Following the pilot, it moves to a paid model based on approximate number of cases/year. Regardless, MyOpNotes is committed to always being cost effective and has functions designed to increase revenues for hospitals (e.g. OPCS code suggestions).

Who owns the data?

MyOpNotes positions as a Data Processor for Data Controller clients and engages in personal data processing. The relevant NHS Trust client always remains the Data Controller and determines the purpose and means MyOpNotes follows for the processing of its personal data. MyOpNotes may perform activities on personal data (such as, but not limited to, collection, structuring, storage, use or disclosure).  MyOpNotes complies with contracted processes and procedures for its clients.

Can I make my own template?

Yes. All templates can be edited and adjusted, including the ability for surgeons to create their own specific templates.

How easy is it to install?

Installation is not required making MyOpNotes very easy to deploy within your hospital. It will run on any internet browser and alternatively can be downloaded as a standalone programme on all operating systems. It can also integrate into your current electronic health record system making the whole process seamless.