Getting Started

Welcome to the Getting Started Guide for MyOpNotes. We're a dedicated team wholly committed to improving the operation notes process, and we are excited for you to transition over to digital operation notes. Learn more about our team and mission on our about us page. We strive to create a healthcare software experience that is user-friendly, efficient, and a true asset to your workflow.

Why switch to digital operation notes?

MyOpNotes has quickly become the preferred choice for healthcare professionals. They state that digital operation notes are an upgrade from traditional paper methods, improve the quality of note-taking, and make better use of their time.

Patients report that their operation information is more accessible and transparent, allowing them to revisit the details at their own pace.

Learn more about the advantages of switching to digital operation notes and watch our intro video.

Let's get you started

When your account was set up, you should have received an email from MyOpNotes with initial instructions on activating your account. Depending on your method of login, this email would have directed you to use a certain single sign-on provider or asked you to set your password.

You can access MyOpNotes at If you've been given demo access to MyOpNotes, this is at MyOpNotes can be accessed from anywhere on any web-enabled device, and the integrations with other systems work the same, regardless of your location.

To familiarise yourself with MyOpNotes, we suggest using a test patient record. Each MyOpNotes deployment has some test patients set up. You can usually search for 'test-patient' in the search bar, but if that doesn't work, email, and we'll direct you to your test patient records.

Finding a patient record

In most cases, MyOpNotes is integrated with patient demographics. To find a patient record, simply search using their identification number (depending on your deployment of MyOpNotes, this could be a hospital number, clinic number, or national identifier such as an NHS number).

Upon selecting a patient, ensure that it is the correct patient to avoid assigning operation notes information to the wrong patient.

If your deployment is not integrated with patient demographics, refer to the supplementary information about creating patient records.

Post-Operation Summary

After the treatment, completed operation notes are displayed on-screen and do not need to be printed. Depending on whether your deployment is integrated with other systems, this is either viewed within MyOpNotes by clicking the 'View operation notes PDF' button or within the main electronic health record.

Important clinical safety considerations

By using the MyOpNotes application, you agree to the following statements:

  1. As a clinician, you bear the responsibility for the operation interaction and the appropriateness of operation information being selected, documented, and shared at an individual patient level.
  2. The information within an operation template may change over time as part of MyOpNotes' review processes or due to local requests for changes. It is the clinician's responsibility to ensure that the information shared is appropriate for the patient.
  3. As a clinician, it is your responsibility to adhere to the professional responsibilities and standards set out by the General Medical Council in their guidance, 'Good Medical Practice' and 'Record keeping' standards.
  4. When delegating operation notes, you must ensure that the practitioner has the relevant training and knowledge to undertake this task.
  5. When the process of obtaining operation notes has been delegated to you, only undertake this if you have the appropriate training and knowledge. If you are not able to meet this standard, seek support and avoid practicing outside your area of competence.
  6. To ensure the security of patient health data and the reliability of the audit trail, always log out after clinical use and never share access credentials. All interactions within MyOpNotes are associated with your name and clinical practice registration.
  7. Following departmental transitioning to digital operation notes, it's important to solely use digital operation notes (outside of some business continuity plan scenarios) to minimise confusion and potential errors within the healthcare system.

Release notes

MyOpNotes is shaped by the feedback of our clinicians and patient users. We continually improve our product based on your input. We regularly release updates to MyOpNotes with new features and updated clinical content.

You can read our product release notes and content release notes to see our latest updates. We also maintain a list of all treatment templates currently available within MyOpNotes, presented by specialty, in our treatment template list which is available in the platform.

Support and contact details

If you encounter any issues getting started with MyOpNotes, come across a problem, or need an account set up, please let us know. We're here to help. You can also explore our knowledge bank for answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) from clinicians and deploying teams.


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